Story Time @ Baby & Child Care Nusery Group in Rochdale

One of the most expected times of the day for our Rochdale toddlers is story time. The eagerness to listen to one of our staff reading a story always draws the childs attention.

Simple stories also encourage the child’s communication skills. They sit quietly and listen to the story with amazement on there faces. Its always the simplest of stories that the children love to listen to. Little red riding hood is always a favourite amongst the many story time stories that are used in our nurseries.

As is always the case when the story ended many of the toddlers wanted to hear the same on again. Some just become the child’s favourite story to hear again and again. Many times they play act the story with other toddlers allowing them to quickly gain new friends and confidence.


One comment

    Rochdale Parent

    April 4, 2015

    Hi, its always nice for our child to hear stories.
    Our child came home today and all she wanted to hear was little red riding hood! .

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